




Why is she still here?なんで彼女はまだここにいるの?(財務大臣は辞めたのに首相自身はその座に留まっているの?)

質問者:キア・スターマー 労働党党首(左派)

回答者:リズ・トラス首相 保守党(右派)















a book is being written about the prime minister's time in office,
apparently it's going to be out by Christmas,
is that the release date or the title?(laughting)

首相の執務日記 なる本が発売されるそうで、


Well, Mr Speaker,
I have been in office for just under two months,
and I have delivered the energy price guarantee,
(making sure that people are)paying six thousand pond bills this winter,
I've reversed the National Insurance increase,
and I've also taken steps and we will be taking steps
to crack down on the miliant unions.



Now what, what, Mr Speaker, I think, Mr Speaker,
that is more of a record of action than the honorable gentleman
in his two and a half years in the job.

(これは、名誉ある紳士が 2年半も勤めたというよりも、行動の記録です。)

Mr Speaker, last week the Prime Minister ignored every question put to her,
instead she repeatedly criticized Labor's plan for a six-month freeze
on energy prices bill.
This week the chancellor made it her policy, how (could it be) held to account
when she's not in charge.



イギリスやオーストラリアなどの議会制を採用している国では、通常、政府のトップに「Prime Minister」(首相)という肩書が与えられます。
一部の国(オーストリアやドイツなど)では、「Prime Minister」の代わりに「Chancellor」という肩書きが使われていますが、その立場や職務は基本的に同じです>。

Mr Speaker,our policy is to protect the most vulnerable for two years,
I had to take decision, because of the economic situation to ajust our policies.
I am somebody who's prepared to front up,
I'm prpared to take the tough decisions,
unlike The Honorable gentleman who hasn't done anything on businesses,
he's done nothing to say protect people after one year he's got no plan.

Mr Speaker, last week the Prime Minister stood there and promised absolutely no spending reductions, they all cheered.
this week the chancellor announced a new wave of cuts,
what's the point of a prime minister whose promises don't even last a week.

spending reductions:歳出削減


you're the right honorable gentleman, that spending will go up next year and it will go up the year after,
but of course we need to get value of taxpayers money.
the labor party has pledged hudreds of billions of spending pledges none of which they've retracted.
The Honorable gentleman needs to reflect the economic reality and his policy.

spending:支出(消費じゃない?)← 歳出?
spending pledges:支出公約
retracted 撤回
労働党は、何百億もの支出公約を約束しましたが、いずれも撤回していません。(撤回してない=やると公約してる=のにやってない と言っている?)
Mr Speaker, those spending cuts are on the table for one reason and one reason only,
because crashed the economy.

working, working people, working people are going to have to pay 500 quid more a month on their morguages,
and what's the prime minister's response to say she's sorry,
what does she think people will think and say that's all right I don't mind Financial ruin at least she apologized.

quid:1 ポンド、かみたばこ(のひとかみ分)

働く人々は毎月の住宅ローンを500 quid(500ポンド)も多く支払わなきゃいけなくなったんですよ!

I do think there has to be some reflection of economic reality from the party,(buzzzzz)
the fact is, interest rates are rising across the world and the economic conditions have worsened and
we are begin honest we're leveling with the public unlike The Honoroble gentleman who simply won't to do it,
and what is the honorable gentleman doing about the fact that workers, train workers are again going on strike,
the fact is he refuses to condemn the workers we are bringing foward policies..
Mr Speaker we are bringing forward policies that are going to make sure our Railways are protected,
people going to work are protected, he backs the strikers, we back the Strivers.

支持する の英単語一覧
 back    支える 裏付ける
 support 支持する サポート
 behind  うしろに
 endorse indorse 裏書きする 支持する ※ 公的に
 uphold  確認する 支持する ※ 法廷・裁判など 維持する

Mr Speaker she's asking me questions because we're a government in Waiting(buzzzzz),
there's no exactly there's no getting away from this millions of people are facing horrendous mortgage repayments,
and she's admitted it's her fault,she shouldn't have conducted an economic experiment on the British public
but it's not just her they put her there, they're keeping her there,
why on Earth would anyone trust the tourists with the economy ever again.
well I noticed Mr Speaker he's not actually objecting to a single Economic Policy but
the chancellor announced on Monday, he's refusing to condemn the strikers,
we're on the side of working people, we're going to legistlate to make sure we keep our Railways open,
The Honorable gentleman refuses to do anything.

Mr Speaker, the only mandate she's ever had is from Members opposite (year),
it was a mandate built on fantasy economics and it ended in disaster(year).
The contry's got nothing to show for it except the destruction of the economy and the implosion of the Tory Party.
I've got the list here,
45p tax cut GONE,
corporation tax cut GONE,
20p tax cut GONE,
two-year energy frees GONE,
tax-free shopping GONE,
economic credibility GONE!
and her supposed best friend the former Chancellor he's gone as well,
they're all GONE,

so why is she still here???(yeaaaaaaa)
Mr Speaker, I am a fighter and not a quetter.




